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Коды (cheats) к игре » Alexia Crow and the Cave of Heroes

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Коды (cheats) к игре Alexia Crow and the Cave of Heroes

· Все коды, советы, прохождение и трейнеры к игре Alexia Crow and the Cave of Heroes

Коды (cheats) к игре Alexia Crow and the Cave of Heroes

Cheat Codes:
Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your
achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the
game hub that corresponds to [Alexia Crow]. Select the "View Stats" drop
down option, then choose the option for your username's achievements.

Achievement How to unlock
Alchemy - Create the two magic stones.
Chronos is looking - Place the 3 objects on the Chronos room.
Defeat the ciclops - Solve the puzzle that helps Heracles to defeat the ciclops.
Gaia ridle - Solve the 4 puzzles in the Gaia room.
Mistery song - Play the lira a song that Hermes like.
Open the cave - Complete the first two puzzles and open the main gate.
Two keys - Get the two keys of the game.

Опубликовано: 01.01.17, Источник:

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