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Коды (cheats) к игре » Thunder Wolves

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Коды (cheats) к игре Thunder Wolves

· Все коды, советы, прохождение и трейнеры к игре Thunder Wolves

Коды (cheats) к игре Thunder Wolves

Cheat Codes:
Steam achievements:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view
your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile",
then "View all my games", then the game and view stats.

Achievement How to Unlock
Bossfight - Kill a boss/miniboss by smashing into it.
Courage Wolf - Complete all levels at least on normal difficulty.
Crate Soulmate - Collect all 25 crates hidden in various locations.
Dead Island - Purge the island of the dead.
Demolicious - Destroy 1,000 buildings.
Firsties! - Complete the first main mission objective.
Gun Guru - Complete a (non-tutorial) mission using only the machine gun.
High Five! - Destroy your chopper with your own guided rocket.
Kamikaze - Kill 10 vehicles by smashing into them.
Parselmouth - Complete the 'Stomp The Snake' mission on expert difficulty
level in co-op mode.
Pedro 4 Prez - Find and eliminate Pedro in all locations.
Pointdexter - Score at least 500,000 points in a single mission.
Quickie - Complete a (non-tutorial) mission in 8 minutes or less.
Rock It Man - Complete a (non-tutorial) mission using only rockets.
Star Wolf - Get all stars in all missions.
Team Playa - Complete a mission in co-op mode.
Twofer - Kill two enemy vehicles with one rocket.

Опубликовано: 01.01.17, Источник:

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