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Коды (cheats) к игре » Fifa 12

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Коды (cheats) к игре Fifa 12

· Все коды, советы, прохождение и трейнеры к игре Fifa 12

Коды (cheats) к игре Fifa 12

Cheat Codes:
Also known as: "FIFA Soccer 12"

Easy Virtual Pro Accomplishment:
Go to kick-off and select the side with your Virtual Pro on it. Play against
any side, it won't really matter. Go to "game settings" and adjust the "User
Game Customisation". All stats should be on 50, so switch all of them that
will benefit you (shot pace, pass pace, player acceleration etc.) to 100.
Then go to "CPU Game Customisation" and do the same but adjust all the stats
to 0. Play on legendary and put the time limit high so you've got a long time
to unlock accomplishments for your player. You'll notice that the moment you
start to play, it'll be easy to run by the computer players because they're
so slow, and your players will be so quick. Very easy to boost your player.

Опубликовано: 01.01.17, Источник:

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