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Коды (cheats) к игре » Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 - Platinum!

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Коды (cheats) к игре Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 - Platinum!

· Все коды, советы, прохождение и трейнеры к игре Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 - Platinum!

Коды (cheats) к игре Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 - Platinum!

Cheat Codes:
Rename one of your park guests (or more) the following codes to get the desired effect:

Code Result
Atari - All guests laugh
Mouse - All guests stand around looking down at the ground
Make Me Sick - All guests become Sick and vomit immediately
James Hunt - Moss (You are given a buggy vehicle to ride in)
Frontier - All rides and coasters never break down
D Lean - Open the "Flying Camera" routes editor
A Hitchcock - Birds fly like in Alfred's movie
PhotoStory - Peeps take photos
ATITech - Every Person (both guests & staff) move super fast
Guido Fawkes - Gives access to the advanced Fireworks editor
Chris Sawyer - Guests Jump for joy
Sam Denney - Ride all coasters
Jon Roach - Ride all non-coaster rides
Atomic - Big Explosion
Jonny Watts - PeepCam
John Wardley - Removes height restrictions when building coasters
David Braben - Unlimited launch and chain lift speeds
Andrew Thomas - Decrease track friction
Andrew Gillett - Track friction is zero
FPS - Display frame rate
Alistair Lindsay - High pitched sounds
Isambard Kingdom Brunel - Train all staff for $1,000
Ghost Town - No guests can enter park
M Brookes - Build next to paths and allow fences next to paths
Rabbit - Animals constantly breed
Jurassic Dart - Fire dinosaur instead of tranquilizer dart
Diving Boards - People go on the higher diving boards
David Walsh - Hold [Ctrl] + U to toggle interface
Mornington Crescent - Build structures underground, press [Shift] to lower position
Rick Griffiths - Inside of tunnels turn into sharks
Alvin Swazonegger - You can use large movies for your billboards
John D Rockefeller - Increase your money by $10,000 (You can do this many times
just before the guest leaves the park)

Unlock all:
Hold SHIFT and click for 3 times on CAPSLOCK.

Опубликовано: 01.02.11, Источник:

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