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Коды (cheats) к игре » Love Hina Sim Date

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Коды (cheats) к игре Love Hina Sim Date

· Все коды, советы, прохождение и трейнеры к игре Love Hina Sim Date

Коды (cheats) к игре Love Hina Sim Date

Cheat Codes:
Enter one of the following codes:

Code Result
moneygrowsontrees - Start with $250,000
theincredibleyou - +15 Intelligence, $1,000
naruhaseyes - Play as Naru
sofarsgood - Insane conversations
rainbowsrgood - Shinobu dress up game
eva4hidden - Secret movie
motokoismotoko - Motoko dress up game
allyourmoves - All moves, including "Revive"
theincredibleyou - 100 for all stats
hellissprings - The Springs Are Hell
smashwatermelons - Mutsune dress up game
randomamv - Random credits
crazygirlmot - Girls sometimes walk around with limited clothing

Search for clickable places to find a person:
Search the indicated clickable location to find the corresponding person.

Person Secrets
Stalker - Outside of TeaHouse.
Screaming Man - Lounge.
Rei - Stair Hallway.
Shinobu - Shinobu's Room.
Mitsune - Mitsune's Room.
Asuka - Keitaro's Room.
Sadako - Keitaro's Room.
Shinobu - Dining Room.
Tsuruko - East Town.
Sachiel - Left of Bridge.
Hyatt - Kitchen.
Excel - Kitchen.
Naru/Shinobu Hybrid - West Town.
Amara - Training Center.
Kanako - Tokyo University.

Опубликовано: 01.01.11, Источник:

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· Igor
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